Category: Open Content
Vue Starter
Vue JS exemple template with crud with webapi
Properties list wwith embeded contact form and map
Starter Handlebars Template
Articles templates, with images gallery, documents, publishing.
Content list, detail, category, latest templates
Multi items template. Items can be added and items can be edited by owner for specific role.
Multi items template with search, filter and paging with jplist
Google Map
4/12/2015 fixe for mmulti-language
Bootstrap Columns Icon Effect
Bootstrap 2 & 3 template with columns with Icon with many special effect. (Thanks to Torsten for this contribution)
Razor Starter
Bootstrap 3 columns realized with razor template.
Massonery layout
Flex Slider
Slider & Carousel (1 of the 2 or both)
Fraction slider
It allows you to animate multiple elements per slide.
25/6/2015 : Updated for Edit without postback
Bootstrap 3 Carousel
Sdandard Bootstrap Carousel with caption (title and text)
25/6/2015 : Updated for many on same page
Bootstrap 3 Accordeon
Standard Bootstrap Accordeon with title and text
Bootstrap 3 Tabs
Stadard Bootstrap tabs (or pills) wit title and text
Bootstrap 3 Thumbnails
Bootrap columns with image and optionally title, text and link
Bootstrap V3 Columns
Managing Bootstrap 3 columns with title and text
Bootstrap V2 Columns
Managing Bootstrap V2 columns with title and text